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High Flow Oxygen Therapy (HFOT) System

Bonhawa is our flagship innovation designed to fill a clinical gap in delivery of high performing, high-quality, cost-effective high flow oxygen therapy for patients suffering from respiratory insufficiency.

Use of device limited to a flow rate of 70 L/min in the United States.


High Flow Oxygen Therapy with Bonhawa

Our integration of high flow, oxygen concentration, and humidity deliver the leading high flow oxygen solution for patients, with our proprietary heating algorithms uniquely ensuring patient compliance and comfort at the highest flows.


Higher Flows

Bonhawa provides therapy to pediatric and adult patients, needing only a simple replacement of the nasal cannula and switching between Pediatric (2-25 L/min) and Adult (10-80 L/min) modes on the device*.


Oxygen Monitoring

Bonhawa ensures precise oxygen delivery by closely monitoring oxygen levels (monitoring flow rate and oxygen levels in real time) on the screen and alarming the clinician in case of occlusion or interruptions in therapy. 


Heat Settings

Our 3 temperature settings of 31ºC, 34ºC and 37ºC offer flexibility to clinicians who want to tailor their therapy for comfort and effectiveness. 


Max Humidity

Bonhawa consistently provides 100% relative humidity by exceeding 33 mg/L for the whole range of air flow and at various temperature settings. 

* Use of device limited to a flow rate of 70 L/min in the United States.


Minimal and Smart Design


Forward-facing touchscreen you can see from outside the room


Quick device turnaround with gas path outside of the device

Real time display of set versus delivered flow, temperature and oxygen

The Difference is in the Details

Higher Flows

Flows over 60 L/min are associated with reduced respiratory rate and increased airway pressure for RF patients*.

Quick and Simple Cleaning

Cleaning time reduced to minutes by simply wiping down the device and switching out the consumables between patients**.

Confirmed Therapy

Bonhawa features a real-time display that allows you to easily compare the set and delivered flow, temperature, and oxygen.

Easy Accessibility

The large, bright display is easily visible from across the room, and settings can be quickly adjusted using our intuitive “Touch-Turn-Touch” method.

Serviceable and Upgradeable

Our California-based team provides support and upgrades when needed, ensuring Bonhawa stays in optimal condition for longer.

Easy Transportation

Our battery solutions provide over 90 minutes of full functionality, while the lightweight and compact design enables easy transport.

Basile et al. Crit Care (2020). Parke et al. Resp Care (2015)


** Change disposables and simple wipe down


Consumables & Accessories

The Heated Breathing Circuit Set (Product Code: HBCK01) contains a single use intelligent water chamber adapter, a water chamber and a heated breathing circuit.

Water Chamber

Duration of Use

Patient Type

Fill Water Type


Max Water Capacity

Max Peak Flow


7 Days, Single-Patient




150 mL

180 mL/min

ISO 80601-2-74


Heated Breathing Circuit

Duration of Use

Patient Type

Circuit Length


7 Days, Single-Patient


200 ± 20 cm

ISO 5367, ISO 5356, ISO 80601-2-74, IEC 60601-1, IEC 60601-1-2

Technical Data
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